CHUCK Bolting Data Processor
Operations Manual
CHUCK and all materials within copyright HEX TECHNOLOGY (2021)
Pro Tip: Zeroing and Elastic Interaction
Before applying load to the bolts, if you notice any are not producing a zero (“0”) reading,
you can zero that bolt within the User Interface. Press the button corresponding to that bolt
beneath the “Zero Stud” heading at the bottom of the page.
After you start applying load, you will see load appear on bolts that have not yet been
torqued. These loads are due to elastic interaction, and are real. Don’t zero them.
Within the Flange screen, you can enter a target bolt load at any time by clicking the Target
Load number. This will make the target load appear as a dashed blue line across the graph. The
Statistics table will show how much the average load deviates from the target.
Example Flange reading with target.
The target was 40 ksi and the average was 12% below the target.