CHUCK Bolting Data Processor
Operations Manual
CHUCK and all materials within copyright HEX TECHNOLOGY (2021)
D. Dealing with Stud Failures
It is possible for a stud’s sensing element to fail causing it to read exceptionally high loads and
give an error when you press the zero button. If this happens, you will see an error message
that looks like this (for software version 1.014 and above):
The error message will provide a clue as to which stud has failed. However, a failure of one stud
can affect readings on adjacent studs. If you disconnect the stud listed in the message (Bay 1,
channel 2 in the above message) and then you get the error on an adjacent stud, disconnect
that stud as well and repeat. When you stop getting the error, try reconnecting the first stud
you disconnected and zeroing again. Once you have isolated the offending stud, you can
replace that stud and continue.
Shutting Down
When your day’s work with CHUCK is complete, we recommend you press the Shutdown
button on the navigation bar to allow CHUCK to shutdown gracefully before unplugging the
When you press the shutdown button, you will see an “Are you sure?” prompt. Press the OK
button, and then it’s safe to unplug the server.