background image

subwoofers have full, flat response and don’t need any corrections, that might cause
the amplifier saturation or distorsion.

The subwoofer connection phase determines acoustic results and needs to be

tested by being listened to. It might be necessary to invert it according to configuration,
main speakers and other electronic devices in the system. Make some listening tests
in both ways and choose the solution you prefer. See page Installation patterns -
Electric connection in phase and out of phase.

You can adjust bass also by changing the subwoofer position inside the trunk. 

It is extremely difficult to know in advance the results you will get in your car 
compartment and you’d better make some tests by moving the subwoofer box 
and the port and speaker emitting direction. See page Installation patterns -


In order to avoid possible damages, keep all components in their package until

you install them.

Always wear protective eyewear when using tools that may generate splinters.

Before you start your installation, turn off the head unit, the amplifier if you have

one, and all electrical devices in your audio system, in order to prevent any damages.

Make sure the location you chose for your speakers doesn’t hinder the correct

functioning of all mechanical or electric devices in your car.

Don’t put cables close to electronic gearcases.

Use extreme caution when cutting or drilling the car plate, verifying there are no

electrical wiring or structural elements underneath.

Protect conductor with a rubber ring if wires pass through a hole in the plate or

with proper materials if they pass close to heat-generating parts.

Firmly fix your subwoofer box to the vehicle chassis through brackets, screws,

nuts and bolts, to guarantee stability and safety while driving.

Warranty restrictions

Please carefully read warranty terms and keep both the manual and the original box. 


has restricted warranty, according to the terms written below:

Warranty duration: 2 years.
This warranty is valid only for 


products sold by 


authorised dealers.

Products found to be defective during the warranty period will be repaired 
or replaced with an equivalent product at 


’s discretion.

Warranty is void:
1. For damages caused by accidents, abuse, improper operation, water, theft.
2. If after sale service is performed by anyone other than 


authorised service

3. If serial number has been spoiled, altered or removed from the product.
4. For damages caused by overdriving or excessive distorsion due to non-linear
functioning of power supply.


accepts no liabilities for possible damages that result from disregarding 

what is written in this manual.

I disegni dei box riportati nel manuale sono semplicemente indicativi. 
E' possibile progettare i box utilizzando soluzioni o geometrie differenti.
In ogni caso in fase di progettazione ricordate di:
• Utilizzare almeno una parete inclinata, per adattare il box al posizionamento in abitacolo,

per risolvere problemi di ingombro e per diminuire le risonanze interne al box.

• Calcolare nel computo dei volumi l'ingombro dell'altoparlante che non è compreso nei 

volumi indicati; se posizionerete l'altoparlante con il magnete dentro la cassa aggiungete 
il Total driver displacement al volume della cassa stessa.

• Nel caso dei progetti in Reflex, Asymmetric Bandpass e Doppio Reflex, non aggiungere al

computo del volume totale l’ingombro dei tubi e dei condotti di accordo, ma solo il volume
del tipo di supporto utilizzato; es.: la tavola di legno nel caso del Condotto Reflex (Reflex Port).

• Evitare di posizionare la parete posteriore del box in prossimità del fondello dell’altoparlante.

Rispettate una distanza minima di 5 cm per non alterare il corretto funzionamento del foro 
di ventilazione posteriore dell’altoparlante (vedi pagina Esempi di installazione - Distanza 
dal fondo).

• Utilizzare del materiale fonoassorbente come il FONOFORM di AZ Audiocomp su tutte le 

pareti interne di tutti i volumi.

• Nel caso si realizzi una cassa con accordo reflex tenete presente che la vicinanza del tubo 

alle pareti interne produce un allungamento virtuale dello stesso, abbassando la frequenza
di accordo: se posizionate il condotto in prossimità di un angolo riducetene la lunghezza 
di circa il 30%. Lo stesso prolungamento deve essere utilizzato per la realizzazione di 
condotti laminari. Questo tipo di condotto può essere inoltre posizionato in ogni lato della 
cassa, per risolvere eventuali esigenze di ingombro.

• La lunghezza dei condotti dichiarata nei vari progetti è comprensiva dell'allungamento 

virtuale ed intesa per un montaggio ad angolo dei condotti circolari o per la realizzazione 
di condotti laminari.

The boxes drawings you can find in this manual are only some suggestions. 
You can design your own boxes by using different solutions or geometries.
When designing your box, however, please remember to:
• Use at least one slanted wall in order to make the enclosure fit the car compartment, 

solve size problems and decrease the box internal resonances.

• Consider the speaker overall dimensions when calculating volumes since it is not included

in the indicated volumes; if you place the magnet speaker inside the box, add Total driver
displacement to the volume of the box itself.

• Not to add tubes and ports overall dimensions to total volume calculation in case of 

Reflex, Asymmetric Bandpass and Double Reflex projects; you only have to add the 
volume of the type of support you use (i.e. the wooden panel in case of Reflex Port). 

• Avoid to put the box rear panel close to the speaker bottom plate. Place it at least 5 cm 

far from it not to affect the correct functioning of the speaker rear vented hole (see page 
Installation patterns – Distance from bottom). 

• Employ some sound-proof material like AZ audiocomp FONOFORM to cover all the box 

internal walls. 

• Consider that when building a reflex box, the closer the port is to internal panels, the 

longer it virtually seems, lowering frequency; thus, if you place the port next to a corner, 
make it 30% shorter approximately. The same extention has to be used when building 
rectangular ports. This type of port can be put in every corner of the box in order to solve 
possible size problems.

• The ports and tubes length indicated in the projects includes this virtual extension and it

is recommended in order to mount reflex tubes in the corners or to build rectangular ports.

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Summary of Contents for HX 200

Page 1: ...14 22 0 47 0 55 3 21 94 250 10 1 6 37 0 1 47 0 73 35 10 177 9 0 10 12 60 0 37 0 40 4 97 97 310 10 3 0 32 0 1 61 0 72 109 6 179 8 0 14 12 72 0 57 0 67 3 75 95 310 10 1 5 28 0 1 38 0 56 106 242 4 0 13 12 59 0 35 0 40 2 67 98 HX 380 D MANUALE DI ISTRUZIONI OWNER S MANUAL SUBWOOFER HX 200 HX 250 HX 250 D HX 300 HX 300 D HX 380 HX 380 D HXS 300 D HXS 380 D I valori sono forniti con le bobine collegate ...

Page 2: ... questa configurazione la pressione massima ottenibile è minore suggeriamo quindi di curare al massimo la precisione del montaggio per evitare sfiati e perdite di pressione Tecnologia HXS Gli HXS HI ENERGY sono subwoofer a doppia bobina e doppio magnete ad altissimo SPL progettati per realizzare impianti da competizione con una pressione esplosiva e una musicalità coinvolgente Gli HXS rappresentan...

Page 3: ... mai sotto tale dato I subwoofer HXS sono altopalrlanti doppia bobina da 2 2 ohm per questo motivo fate attenzione all impedenza che risulterà dal collegamento Nel caso dell utilizzo di due o più altoparlanti nella sezione subwoofer è estremamente importante utilizzare componenti dello stesso tipo modello e numero di bobine montati nello stesso tipo di configurazione Nella pagina Connessioni serie...

Page 4: ...isfaction is the first requirement our products must meet the same satisfaction as that of those who long for the emotion of car audio If correctly installed this component will give you extraordinary listening pleasure Please carefully follow the instructions you will find in this manual in order to exploit these speakers qualities at best In order to build high quality hi fi car systems you need...

Page 5: ...ofers have 2 2 ohm double voice coil Thus mind the impedance generated by the connection When using two or more speakers in the subwoofer section it is extremely important to employ drivers of the same type model and number of voice coils installed in the same type of box We herewith show different combinations of connection in series in parallel and mixed in series in parallel which meet most nee...

Page 6: ...ltoparlante che non è compreso nei volumi indicati se posizionerete l altoparlante con il magnete dentro la cassa aggiungete il Total driver displacement al volume della cassa stessa Nel caso dei progetti in Reflex Asymmetric Bandpass e Doppio Reflex non aggiungere al computo del volume totale l ingombro dei tubi e dei condotti di accordo ma solo il volume del tipo di supporto utilizzato es la tav...

Page 7: ... and dynamic than the one you get with the configurations mentioned above Progetti Find your box Asymmetric Bandpass Unisce le qualità dei due tipi di caricamento precedenti con un elevata tenuta in potenza e un basso veloce e pulito Indicato con ogni genere musicale It combines the qualities of the two previous projects with high power handling and fast clear bass Suitable to any kinds of music D...

Page 8: Fb 50 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 62 mm L 170 mm Reflex Box2 Vb 16 Lit Fb 42 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 62 mm L 185 mm HX 200 Sealed Box 1 Vcc 10 Lit Fc 75 Hz F 3 60 Hz Sealed Box 2 Vcc 16 Lit Fc 70 Hz F 3 55 Hz Reflex Box1 Vb 16 Lit Fb 45 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 62 mm L 155 mm Reflex Box2 Vb 22 Lit Fb 40 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 62 mm L 140 mm Double Reflex Vb1 13 Lit Fb1 83 Hz Reflex Tube 1 Ø 100 mm L 145 mm Vb2 21 Lit Fb2 45 H...

Page 9: ...lex Port 2 Sp 42 cm2 L 280 mm Asymmetric Bandpass Vcc 7 Lit Vb 11 Lit Fb 70 Hz Reflex Port Sp 100 cm2 L 250 mm Sealed Box 1 Vcc 13 Lit Fc 75 Hz F 3 65 Hz Sealed Box 2 Vcc 20 Lit Fc 65 Hz F 3 58 Hz Reflex Box 1 Vb 20 Lit Fb 45 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 82 mm L 220 mm Reflex Box2 Vb 32 Lit Fb 40 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 82 mm L 160 mm Double Reflex Vb1 15 Lit Fb1 88 Hz Reflex Tube 1 Ø 82 mm L 60 mm Vb2 22 Lit Fb2 43...

Page 10: ...Reflex Port 2 Sp 64 cm2 L 320 mm Asymmetric Bandpass Vcc 9 Lit Vb 13 Lit Fb 73 Hz Reflex Port Sp 112 cm2 L 250 mm Sealed Box 1 Vcc 20 Lit Fc 72 Hz F 3 58 Hz Sealed Box 2 Vcc 35 Lit Fc 59 Hz F 3 48 Hz Reflex Box1 Vb 30 Lit Fb 30 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 85 mm L 380 mm Reflex Box2 Vb 45 Lit Fb 30 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 85 mm L 240 mm Double Reflex Vb1 23 Lit Fb1 85 Hz Reflex Tube 1 Ø 82 mm x2 L 125 mm Vb2 35 Lit ...

Page 11: ...t Fc 65 Hz F 3 56 Hz Asymmetric Bandpass Vcc 19 Lit Vb 24 5 Lit Fb 70 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 100 mm x 2 L 200 mm Reflex Box2 Vb 43 Lit Fb 32 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 85 mm L 230 mm Reflex Box 1 Vb 30 Lit Fb 35 Hz Reflex Tube Ø 85 mm L 230 mm Connessioni serie parallelo Connecting your subwoofer SUBWOOFER A SINGOLA BOBINA SINGLE VOICE COIL SUBWOOFER HX 200 HX 250 HX 300 HX 380 Serie Series Parallelo Parallel Mis...

Page 12: ...NA DOUBLE VOICE COIL SUBWOOFER HX 250 D HX 300 D HX 380 D Serie Series Parallelo Parallel Misto Mixed SUBWOOFER A DOPPIA BOBINA DOUBLE VOICE COIL SUBWOOFER HXS 300 D HXS 380 D 1 34 Serie Series Parallelo Parallel Misto Mixed ...

Page 13: ...stance from bottom 4 Collegamento elettrico in fase Electric connection in phase 5 Collegamento elettrico in controfase Electric connection out of phase 2 Fissaggio Mounting Inserti in gomma Rubber inserts Esempi di installazione Installation patterns ...

Page 14: ...ty ferrite Double magnet High density ferrite Double magnet High density ferrite Double magnet High density ferrite Dual coil Double magnet High density ferrite Dual coil Double magnet High density ferrite Water repellent non pressed paper cone Xmech massima escursione meccanica indica il range di movimento in zona di funzionamento lineare dell altoparlante in entrambi i sensi maximum mechanic exc...
