Operating Instruction
a lead acid battery so that this person can
come to your assistance if necessary.
Wear complete eye and body protection,
including safety glasses and safety clothing.
Avoid touching your eyes when working in
the vicinity of a battery.
If battery acid comes into contact with
your skin or clothing, rinse the affected area
immediately with soap and water. If battery
acid gets into your eyes, rinse the affected
eyes immediately for at least 10 minutes
with running cold water and consult a doc-
tor immediately.
If you accidentally swallow battery acid,
drink milk, egg white or water. Do NOT in-
duce vomiting. Seek medical assistance im-
3. Preparations for using
the Reanimator
Risk of contact with
battery acid
The battery acid is a highly
corrosive sulphuric acid
Clean the battery poles before using the
Reanimator. When cleaning, ensure that the
corrosive particles in the air do not come
into contact with your eyes, nose or mouth.
Use sodium hydrogen carbonate (natron)
and water to neutralise the battery acid and
to eliminate the corrosive particles in the air.
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Ensure that the cable clamps of the Rean-
imator are tightly and correctly connected.
Please note:
If the switch is in the OFF position and
the cable clamps are connected at the
wrong poles, an acoustic signal will
sound and an LED will light up. Please
ensure that the cable clamps are cor-
rectly connected.