3.2.9 Top 5 Reasons for dynamic losses in the effects loop
Many different factors can be responsible for loss of dynamics, aside
from those mentioned in 3.2.2 (ADA conversion). A vital point that
often leads to frustration is a maladjusted output level of an effects
unit. If the output level is too high, then unwanted distortion is caused
in the power amp. If it is too low, then the rig will not sound punchy
and might get lost easily in the band sound. When used in the serial
loop, the output of the effects unit determines the ultimate drive signal
strength of the power amp. The output level should be matched to give
the best possible sound with all 3 channels without over driving the
power amp section. Headroom adjustments of 10% are usually
3.3 MIDI Connections
3.3.1 MIDI In
Midi in receives “program change” orders from commonly available
midi pedals and control systems. The Herbert is able to supply
phantom power to your midi pedal via a 7-prong DIN midi cable. This
can help unclutter your stage system and rids the artist of these
pesky power supplies.
Pin 1 and 6 is ground (-)
Pin 3 and 7 is hot (+)
The voltage is 9-12V AC or DC, which is acceptable for 98% of all midi
Maximum power usage of the pedal cannot exceed 800mA (0.8A)
Please observe proper polarity to avoid damage to the MIDI pedal.