[ ] R-80, 10K ohm potentiometer
NOTE: Off-board component. Use 6 inch leads.
Ground lead near C-82, Hot lead near Q-16.
[ ] C-81, 10 mfd Observe Polarity
[ ] C-80, 100 mfd Observe Polarity
[ ] R-78, 4.7K ohms (yellow-violet-red)
[ ] Solder
[ ] Clip Excess Lead Length
[ ] Inspect Solder Connections
[ ] Q-16, 2N3904 (Position as stenciled on the PCB)
[ ] Q-25, 2N3904 (Position as stenciled on the PCB)
[ ] R-88, 4.7K ohms, (yellow-violet-red)
[ ] R-89, 22K ohms (red-red-orange)
[ ] C-47, 0 pf (This is an artifact from an older PCB design. Do not install any capacitor here.)
[ ] C-79, 0.022 mfd (marked 22K)
[ ] R-77, 3.3K ohms (orange-orange-red)
[ ] C-8, 10 mfd Observe Polarity
[ ] Speaker or Headphone Jack Connection. Use 6 inch leads.
Ground is the pad near C-75.
[ ] Solder
[ ] Clip Excess Lead Length
[ ] Inspect Solder Connections
TEST: At this point you can test your receiver audio amplifier by connecting a speaker, ap12
volts to the power input pads. Insert a tone at the negative side of C8, and adjust the volume control for
a comfortable listening level.