Kit Assembly
Receive-Transmit Power Changeover Relay and Power Input Components
[ ] D-17, 1N4004 Observe Polarity
[ ] K1, 351 Relay
Hold the relay body flat to the PCB while soldering.
[ ] Connect push-to-talk part of microphone connector, or a temporary momentary switch as PTT.
Note: Pads for the push to talk connection are provided along one edge of the board and
are marked as PTT with the ground pad also marked with Gnd . Or if you do
not want to connect your microphone jack yet, you can just solder a small
momentary switch across these pads for testing purposes during alignment.
Caution: The changeover relay applies ground to the receive section power feeds during
transmit mode and ground to transmit power feeds during receive mode. This
means that you cannot 12 volts to the transmit sections while in receive
mode, and cannot 12 volts to the receive sections when in transmit
mode without shorting something and possibly damaging your PCB or
[ ] D-18, SB320 Observe Polarity
[ ] C-87, 0.1 mfd (marked 104)
[ ] C-74, 100 mfd Observe Polarity
[ ] Solder
[ ] Clip Excess Lead Length
[ ] Inspect Solder Connections
TEST: At this time you can apply +12 volts and test the relay by shorting the PTT pads and monitor
Receive and Transmit voltages to see that power is being transferred properly.