The mixing trowel is mounted over the blades in one
position, using light pressure until a click is heard,
which indicates that it is correctly anchored. (Image 34)
The mixing trowel is removed from the blades by pull-
ing in an upward direction until it detaches itself.
(Image 35)
Important. Never use the mixing blade at speeds
higher than speed 5. Never introduce the spatula
into the central hole of the lid, if working with the
mixing accessory fixed to the blades (Image 31).
(Image 36)
The basket-sieve is:
1. To cook ingredients that do not need to be mixed or
To remove the basket-sieve from the jug, the spat-
ula handle is fixed onto the groove of the basket and
is lifted using light leverage. (Images 37 and 38)
2. To strain or filter broth, shakes, fruit juices.
3. Hold the basket by the handle or the spatula in the
filter function (Images 39 and 40)
4. To avoid splashing and allow steam to escape while
working with hot substances.
image 34
image 35
image 37
image 36
image 38
image 39