Quick Installation Guide
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When this option is activated, the software will automatically switch off the selected
WERA racks in between the measurements in continuous acquisition measurement
This may be useful for installation in remote places, which are running from off-grid by
renewable energy or generators.
With the check boxes the user may select which AC outputs of the PSR should be
switched off. Over a drop-down box it may be selected how many minutes before the
next measurement the racks should be switched back on again.
Note that depending on the temperatures the electronics might need some time to
reach nominal temperature for optimum performance.
Note that this mode may only be activated after continuous acquisition mode has been
started over WeraDesk.
The information text field on the right will display parameters from the active
acquisition mode and the scheduled timing to switch on and off the AC voltages.
Figure: 4 setup window
– Low Power tab
If you finished configuring the software, click on “save” to save your settings or on
“save and close” to close the setup window. If you want to discard your changes, then
click on “close setup”. WERA Setup-Window
– Modem tab
In the Modem section of the setup window the self-acting modem test can be
controlled. The test is verifying a valid internet-connection by pinging up to two ip
addresses like “www.yahoo.com” and “www.google.com”. If from both addresses no
response is received after several tries, the selected relays are switched to the
opposite setting from the WERA System power tab for a short time, then switched