Quick Installation Guide
Page 54 of 73
Data Acquisition Time
The value of this field is calculated by multiplying the Samples per Data Run with the
Chirp Length.
Can’t be modified.
RX Offset
This is an optional frequency offset between TX- and LO-signal. It is normally only
used for calibration measurements to enable the test signal to pass the receivers high
pass filters.
By default an offset of 80 Hz should be used for all calibration measurements.
For normal acquisition measurements this value should be set to 0Hz.
While in the original WeraDesk software only one table with values was available,
newer WeraDesk versions will use different DDS step values to program the RX Offset
value, depending on the frequency of the master clock.
When a chirp length of 0.26 s is selected, 80 Hz RX Offset refers to a signal at about 0.5 Hz Doppler
shift at range cell 20.
Data Path
Please enter the path to directory where to store the measured data [up to 30
characters] into this field.
In permanent or infinite mode “_” characters should not be used to avoid problems
when post-processing.
File Location ID
Please enter a 3-character code to identify the radar site into this field.
This code is included into the measurement data file names to distinguish between the
sites, e.g. yyyydddhhmm_cod.SORT
You may enter comments for the site or measurement campaign [up to 80 characters]
into this field. This comment is included into the header of each data set.