Slide the battery into the battery
compartment, tuck the wires into the
opening, and close the battery cover.
When you are ready to take off, place
the quadcopter on a level surface and
the LED to be steady “ON”. This allows
the TAGS-FX control board to calibrate.
The 230Si will be “ON” at this point. Your quadcopter has a safe
start feature built in that prevents the motor from activating unless the
throttle stick has been lowered to the lowest position. If the motors won’t
run, please make sure the throttle stick is all the way down and the throttle
trim is at or below center. Wait a couple of seconds and try advancing the
throttle again.
Advance the throttle until the model is at least 2 feet off the ground and out
of ground effect. If flying outdoors it’s important to stick to light winds. If you
plan to take off and land in grass, place a rubber mat or pad down on the
grass so the small rotating parts don’t get hung up in the grass.
Once the quad is in the air simply try to keep it in one spot. This will take
some practice. Remember that even a light breeze will have an effect on the
stability of the quad.
Level the quad into a steady hover and slowly decrease power until it lands.
You might notice as the quadcopter is ready to touch down it moves around
a little. This is normal as the quadcopter enters ground effect.
Once you are comfortable with hovering in one place, start working on
orientations. By this we mean, hover the quadcopter in all positions, nose
to the right, nose to the left and the nose pointing at you (nose-in). Getting
good at this fundamental discipline will allow you to progress much faster
in some of the more advanced flying maneuvers.