Thank you for purchasing the Heli-Max 230Si Quadcopter. We are certain
you will get many hours of enjoyment out of this model. If you should have
any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at: helihotline@
For the latest technical updates or manual corrections visit
the Heli-Max web site at www.helimax-rc.com. If there is any new technical
information, changes or important updates to this model a “tech notice” box
will appear on the 230Si product page. Click the “tech notice” box to learn
more about this important update.
When you see this symbol, please pay special attention
and heed all warnings regarding the information within.
Please note that we cannot provide you information on the pricing you will
fi nd in your local retailer’s store for any products.
If you need technical support or have any questions, you can reach us by
one of the following means. When contacting us, please include the name of
the product you are referring to, its stock number and as much information
about your question or issue as possible.
For support outside the U.S. or Canada, please contact the distributor in your
country. If unable to contact the appropriate distributor, please contact us.
However, we are unable to respond to emails in languages other than English.
Email us at
. Please try to include as much
information as possible when asking your question. Also please be sure
to list your full email address (ex: [email protected]) as well as at least one
other means of daytime contact in your email.
Select option 6.
Available Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
U.S. Central Time.
Please be sure to
include a daytime telephone number
or return fax number so that we can
contact you.
Regular Mail
If you prefer, we can always respond with a regular mailed letter. Simply write
to us, including a brief explanation of your problem or question along with the
product name you are referring to. Use the Hobby Services address below.