Box (17) - Program Parameters
<Act. +Yield>
<Width> determines the time interval of sample illumination with ac-
tinic light of the intensity selected under <Light Parameters>. Always, a
saturating pulse analysis is carried out at the end of actinic illumination.
Checking <With Initial Pulse> causes saturating pulse analyses at start
and end of the time interval of actinic illumination.
<Induct. Curve>
Time courses of fluorescence induction curves are determined by three
parameters: <Delay> indicates the dark time interval between determi-
nation of Fo and Fm with dark-acclimated material, and onset of actinic
illumination. The delay time can be adjusted between 5 seconds and 10
minutes. Default value is 40 seconds. <Width> is the time interval be-
tween saturating pulse analyses during fluorescence induction and
<Length> determines the number of saturating pulses analyses carried
out. Therefore, the time interval of actinic illumination in a fluorescence
induction experiment is approximately given by <Width> times
<Length>. Fluorescence recovery measurements under dark conditions
can be appended to the induction curve by choosing <IC + Recov> (see
5.1.7). During fluorescence recovery, time points of saturating pulse
analyses are set automatically.
<Light Curve>
Always, 8 levels of consecutively increasing actinic light intensities are
applied when a light curve program is carried out (see 5.1.7). Therefore,
the time course of a light curve is determined by only two parameters:
<Width> determines the time interval (5 seconds to 10 minutes) of each
light step, and <Int.> defines the initial intensity level of actinic illumi-
nation. In the case of a subsequent recovery curve, time points of satu-
rating pulse analyses are chosen automatically.