The <Basic> window permits adjustments of the level of PAR (<Act.
Int>) and the clock interval (Clk. Width). Similarly as settings in the
<Status> window, the <Basic> adjustments are stored in the JUNIOR-
PAM fluorometer. Also, the lowermost line of the <Basic> window
states the WinControl-3 compatible instruments connected to the com-
puter. If the JUNIOR-PAM is the sole WinControl-3 compatible instru-
ment, the instrument display is invariable. Further, the <Memory:> win-
dow (lowermost line) reports the number of data sets recorded divided
by 1000. Data set numbers greater than 100 k might compromise the ef-
ficiency of WinControl-3, depending on the computer used. The accu-
mulation of huge data set numbers during long-term measurements can
be avoided by switching off the <Rec. Online> (Box (2)).
The adjustable parameters of the <Basic> window are:
<Act. Int> 12 levels of PAR can be selected by clicking the up or down
arrow in the <Act. Int> line. In the same line, the corresponding PAR
(in µmol photons/(m
s)) is displayed. Note that the PAR intensities
represent factory values which were established at 1 mm distance
from the tip of a 400 mm JUNIOR-PAM fiber optics, in the absence
of external light. Therefore, different optical conditions require
measurements of the actual photon flux densities.
<Clk. Width> Clock widths from 10 seconds to 50 minutes can be se-
lected by clicking the arrow buttons in the line of <Clk. Width>.
The commands in the program field start various exposure regimes. Ex-
cept batch runs, all programs can be clock-triggered and their exact be-
havior is defined in the <Settings> window (see section 3.7). Short de-
scriptions of the routines are given next.