the number of quenching centers in the light-harvesting an-
Y(NPQ) Quantum yield of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching
due to downregulation of the light-harvesting function.
Y(NO) Quantum yield of non-photochemical fluorescence quenching
other than that caused by downregulation of the light-
harvesting function.
Note that Y(II)+ Y(NPQ)+ Y(NO)=1
<Rec.> sidebar
Clicking the button <New Record> starts a new record which is added
to the currently loaded data. The <Rec.> sidebar lists, as consecutive
numbers, each experiment recorded since program start or since the last
time the command <Delete All Data> was carried out. Each record can
be selected, and displayed in the chart, by clicking on the record num-
Note: when induction and light curves are displayed, the <Rec.> sidebar
lists the presently loaded induction curves (IC) and light curves (LC),
respectively. New induction or light curves are initiated by starting the
corresponding automated exposure program (Box (9)). Several induc-
tion or light curves can be carried out during a single record.
<Chan.> sidebar
The <Chan.> sidebar lists all WinControl-3 compatible devices con-
nected via USB to the computer. Note: only one JUNIOR-PAM can be
operated by WinControl-3 at a time but the combination of 1 JUNIOR-
PAM and other WinControl-3 compatible devices (higher-order PAM
fluorometers or the light meters) is possible.
Box (4) - SAT Pulse Analysis
The headline of Box (4) displays the number of the device connected.
With the JUNIOR-PAM connected, the headline reads <Results (#1)>.