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Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check carefully
the validity of this document with respect to his product. Manual-no.: 999248 / 28/04/2011
Always provide a free and pressureless exhaust pipeline.
permitted pressure at the pressure transducer:
1.5 bar (absolute).
Avoid overpressure of more than 0.2 bar in case inert gas is connected to the
pump, the gas ballast connection or to a venting valve.
• Comply with
maximum permissible pressures
at inlet and outlet and pressure
differences, see section ”Technical data”. Do not operate the pump with overpres-
sure at the inlet.
• Check that mains voltage and current conform with the equipment (see rating
• Connect pipes gas tight at inlet and outlet of the pump.
Flexible elements tend to shrink when evacuated.
Provide a firm level platform for the equipment and check that the system to be
evacuated is mechanically stable and that all fittings and hose connections are se
cure. Ensure a stable position of the pump without any mechanical contact except of
the pump feet. Comply with all applicable safety regulations.
Keep a distance of minimum 20 cm between fan and ambient parts (e.g. housing,
walls, ...). Check fan regularly for dust/dirt, clean if necessary to avoid a cutback of
If the equipment is brought from cold environment into a room for operation, allow
the equipment to warm up (pay attention to water condensation on cold surfaces).
The diameter of the inlet and outlet pipeline should be at least as large as the diam-
eter of the pump connection pipelines.
Comply with all
applicable and relevant safety requirements
(regulations and
implement the required actions and adopt suitable safety meas
1.4 Ambient conditions
To the best of our knowledge the equipment is in compliance with the requirements
of the applicable EC-directives and harmonized standards (see ”Declaration of con-
formity”) with regard to design, type and model. Directive EN 61010-1 gives in detail
conditions under which the equipment can be operated safely (see also IP degree of
Adopt suitable measures in case of differences, e. g. using the equipment outdoors,
installation in altitudes of more than 1000 m above mean sea level, conductive pol-
lution or bedewing.
Pay attention to the
permissible maximum ambient and gas inlet temperatures
(see ”Technical data”).
1.5 Operating conditions
The pumps have no approval for operation in or for pumping of potentially
explosive atmospheres.
The pumps are
not suitable
to pump
unstable substances
and substances which react explosively under
(mechanical stress) and/or when being exposed to
without air,
self inflammable
- substances which are
inflammable without air
explosive substances