Trained personnel
Personnel instructed comprehensively, by skilled staff on behalf of the owner, in how to perform its
appointed tasks and in how to use the product safely.
Specialist personnel
Due to their technical training, knowledge and experience, specialists are able to assess and carry out the
assigned work and can independently recognize possible dangers.
Qualied electrician
A person with appropriate professional training, knowledge and experience, so that he/she can recognize
and avoid dangers that can be caused by electricity.
Persons of a technical inspection body who are authorized to perform testing and monitoring tasks for
pressure equipment and electrical systems.
2.6 Personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment is designed to prevent and reduce hazards.
In the instructions, safety instructions with mandatory symbols indicate the wearing of special
protective equipment for special activities.
Instruction and supply is carried out by the operator.
HAWE Hydraulik SE
B 8543 - 10-2021 - 1.0