Safety function check ‘reversing’
Teach-in run (‘Home-Init’) was carried
out, sash is opened
Position hard object (e� g� tool box)
between sash and frame, lean against
the frame
Press ‘CLOSE’ at the control
keypad (in case of 1-button
control keypad, the available
button will be pressed)
Sash runs against the hard object, stops and runs again in direction
‘OPEN’ partially
To avoid scratches at the frame
or at the sash, the object should
be covered with a suitable fabric�
Check was not successful:
Teach-in run (‘Home-Init’) and
safety function check ‘reversing’
have to be repeated
If the check was not successful
repeatedly, the (Lift-) Slide-System
has to be taken out of operation
and disconnected from mains as
well as a service company has to be
consulted for the purpose of
troubleshooting� Otherwise, severe
injuries could be the consequence�
Check was successful:
(Lift-) Slide-System has to be
labelled according to the
EC machine directive
The (Lift-) Slide-System may be
put into operation