Microwave Sensor Installation - 601A, 700MWM
Begin by opening the side shields on the baler and go to the right side
of the baler so you can see the right side of the pre-compression
chamber (PCC). Locate the mounting template in the kit. Removed the
bolt (red arrow in figure 1) that attached the linkage that is in the way,
and position the linkage out of the way.
Locate the right side sheet of the PCC and locate the two slotted holes along the front edge that attach the
stripper band to the PCC side sheet. Align the slots on the template with the slots on the side sheet (figure 2).
Clamp the template in place and use a marker or paint pen to mark the location for the eight holes that will
need to be drilled, and also mark the rectangular area that will be cut out (figure 3).
Microwave Sensor Installation
– Massey Ferguson 2190 & 2290 Baler (left side view)
Align the curved edge of the template with the curved edge of the pre-compression chamber. Align the
template so the straight top edge is parallel and 5-
1/2” below the edge of the angle bracket. Clamp the
template in place to the side of the pre-compression chamber and mark 8 holes and cutout locations. Mirror on
opposite side (figure 4).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Edge of Angle
Curved edge of template
Straight edge of template