Response: -0.210
The CALibrate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). The OFFSet suf-
fix, <num>, specifies either temperature (1) or humidity (2).
CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:OFFSet<num> <float>
Sets the sensor calibration offset parameter for the specified channel.
Example: CAL1:PAR:OFFS2 -0.025
The CALibrate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). The OFFSet suf-
fix, <num>, specifies either temperature (1) or humidity (2). The <float> pa-
rameter specifies the value for the offset parameter. This command is password
protected (see Section 8.4.10, Password Commands).
Returns the sensor calibration scale parameter for the specified channel.
Example: CAL2:PAR:SCAL1?
Response: -0.564
The CALibrate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). The SCALe suffix,
<num>, specifies either temperature (1) or humidity (2).
CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:SCALe<num> <float>
Sets the sensor calibration scale parameter for the specified channel.
Example: CAL2:PAR:SCAL1 0.002
The CALibrate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). The SCALe suffix,
<num>, specifies either temperature (1) or humidity (2). The <float> parameter
specifies the value for the scale parameter. This command is password pro-
tected (see Section 8.4.10, Password Commands).
System Commands
The system commands are used for querying instrument identification parame-
ters, temperature units, and for setting operating parameters to the defined
default values.
Returns the instrument identification string that indicates the manufacturer,
model number, serial number, and firmware version.
Example: *IDN?
Response: HART,1620,A39001,1.00
Hart Scientific
8 Digital Communications Interface