1019659 11/2014
Two recommended sequences of assembly of the Harmonic Drive® Component Set are illustrated in illustration 35.1.
During assembly the following general points, which are also valid for Units and Gearboxes, should be observed:
Illustration 35.1
• The gear components, input and output shaft have to be centred accurately within and relative to the housing.
First of all Flexspline and Circular Spline have to be fixed to the machine housing (only for component sets). Only then
should the gear components be assembled according to illustration 35.1.
• Screws should be fixed using Loctite Screw Adhesive No. 243.
• Additional fastening elements such as spring washers, toothed discs etc. should not be used within the gear.
It is essential that the teeth of the Flexspline and Circular Spline mesh symmetrically for proper function.
An eccentric tooth mesh, called dedoidal, will result in noise and vibration and will lead to early failure of the gear,
see illustration 35.2
Wrong (Dedoidal)
Illustration 35.2