1018854 8/2018
Maximum power P
Maximum power output.
Mechanical time constant
The mechanical time constant is the time required to reach 63 % of its maximum rated speed in a no-load condition.
Momentary peak torque T
In the event of an emergency stop or collision, the Harmonic Drive® Gear may be subjected to a brief momentary peak torque.
The magnitude and frequency of this peak torque should be kept to a minimum and under no circumstances should the
momentary peak torque occur during the normal operating cycle. The allowable number of momentary peak torque events
can be calculated with the equations given in chapter "selection procedure".
Moment of inertia J [kgm²]
Mass moment of inertia at motor side.
Moment of inertia J
Mass moment of inertia of the gear with respect to the input.
Moment of inertia J
Mass moment of inertia with respect to the output.
Motor terminal voltage (Fundamental wave only) U
Required fundamental wave voltage to achieve the specified performance. Additional power losses can lead to restriction of
the maximum achievable speed.
Nominal Service Life L
When loaded with rated torque and running at rated speed the Wave Generator Bearing will reach the nominal service life L
with 50 % propability of failure. For different load conditions the service life of the Wave Generator Bearing can be calculated
using the equations in chapter "selection procedure".
Number of pole pairs p
Number of magnetic pole pairs on the rotor of the motor.
Offset R [m]
Distance between output 's center plane and contact point of the load.
Pitch circle diameter d
[m] or [mm]
Pitch circle diameter of the output bearing rolling element raceway.
Protection class IP
The degree of protection according to EN 60034-5 provides suitability for various environmental conditions.
Rated current I
RMS value of the sinusoidal current when driven at rated torque and rated speed.
Rated motor speed n
The motor speed which can be continuously maintained when driven at rated torque T
, when mounted on a suitably dimensi-
oned heat sink.