ERA 700 Performance IP User Manual Rev. C
Control/Settings via DMX
The Control / Settings DMX channel available in both Basic and Extended DMX modes lets you adjust
fixture settings remotely via DMX. It gives access to most of the settings that are available in the
control menus plus some additional settings. For a full list of the settings that are available via DMX on
this channel
, see ‘Control/Settings DMX channel’ on page 46.
This chapter only covers the settings that have not already been explained in the
’ chapter starting on page 13.
To implement a command on the Control / Settings channel, you must hold the required DMX value for
a certain number of seconds. The amount of time required is given in
‘Control/Settings DMX channel’
on page 46.
Parameter shortcuts
If you enable parameter shortcuts, also called effect shortcuts, the color and gobo wheels take the
shortest path between two colors or gobos, crossing the open position if necessary. This setting gives
the fastest changes.
If you disable parameter shortcuts, the color and gobo wheels will always avoid the open position when
changing from one color or gobo to another. This avoids any flash of white light that may be visible if
the wheel passes the open position.
Blacking out the display
It is possible to black out the fixture’s control panel display by sending a DMX command on the
Control / Settings channel
. Blacking out fixture’s displays reduces visual distractions in the lighting rig
for audiences.
Hibernation mode
Hibernation mode sets light output intensity to zero and disables effect deployment. It brings power
consumption down to around 15 W and provides an economical option if you want to keep power
applied to the fixture when it is not in use. In an architectural or architainment setting, for example, you
can set up a cue at the controller that switches the fixture to hibernation mode during periods when
the fixture is not active
When you bring the fixture out of hibernation mode, it performs a full reset.
Pan and tilt limits
The pan and tilt limit options available on the Control / Settings channel let you define minimum and
maximum limits for pan and tilt angles so that you can install fixtures close to obstacles (such as other
fixtures or trusses) with no risk of collision, so that the beam will only hit a certain area of a stage or
set, or so that you can avoid the fixture shining into the eyes of the audience, for example. If you set
limits, the fixture’s pan and tilt movement will remain in a ‘safe zone’ within those limits.
Store lower pan limit
Store upper pan limit
set minimum and maximum limits
for the fixture’s
pan range.
Store lower tilt limit
Store upper tilt limit
do the same thing for tilt range.
To set a limit, use the pan or tilt DMX channel to move the head to the position where you want to set
the limit, then send the appropriate
command on the Control/Settings DMX channel. You must
send the
command for at least 1 second to activate it.
Note that when you power the fixture off, the head may move under its own weight to a position that is
outside its pan and tilt limits.
Tungsten emulation
In tungsten emulation mode, the fixture’s white light output is made warmer, the warm shift is increased
at lower dimming levels, and an ‘afterglow‘ effect is added after dimming. This mode gives the ‘look
and feel’ of a fixture that uses an incandescent light bulb as its source.