HI 6020IT-SSX-Y-EX and HI 6020JB-SSX-Y-EX User Guide
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Connecting to Hardy Summing Boxes or Summing Cards
To connect more than one load cell to a Hardy instrument, controller, or module, you will need a summing
card or summing box to aggregate the signals to provide a singular weight reading. While a platform, bench or
floor scale has a built in summing card to perform this function, load cells need an external Summing Card or
Summing box.
HI 6020 IT Summing Box Wiring Diagram
To connect more than four load sensors to a single Hardy instrument, controller, or module two summing boxes
will need to be cascaded by connecting the instrument output from a 5 hole version of the HI 6020 summing
box to the auxiliary summing box input connector on a 6-hole version of the HI 6020 summing box.