HI 6020IT-SSX-Y-EX and HI 6020JB-SSX-Y-EX User Guide
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Features and Capabilities
Hardy Process Toolbox
The Hardy Process Toolbox is a set of productivity tools that support process weighing functions. Each tool
in the Hardy Process Toolbox saves time, increases accuracy, improves efficiency or reduces risk in process
weighing applications.
C2® and Calibration
Traditional calibration uses certified test weights. C2® Electronic Calibration allows a scale to be calibrated
without the need for test weights. A C2 weighing system consists of up to eight load cell sensors per HI 6020
IT or JB summing box, C2 interconnect cable, and a Hardy instrument, controller, or module with C2.
Each Hardy Process Solutions C2-certified load sensor outputs digital information used for calculating the
calibration. When Hardy instrument reads the signals from the load sensors, it calibrates the scale based on
the load sensor’s output plus a user-supplied reference point value (from 0 to any known weight on the scale).
NOTE: Check the Hardy instrument, controller, or module to verify the number of load sensors
that can be supported.
The HI 6020IT features INTEGRATED TECHNICIAN® (IT), a system diagnostics program that makes it
possible to diagnose weighing system problems from a Hardy Instrument, controller, or module that reads
individual load sensor voltages and weights and isolates individual system components for quick and easy
NOTE: C2 and INTEGRATED TECHNICIAN are registered trademarks of Hardy Process