(10) Slave output negative binding post: Negative polarity of output voltage is
connected to negative terminal of load.
(11) Case grounded terminal: The case is connected to the earth.
(12) Slave output positive binding post: positive polarity of output voltage is
connected to positive terminal of load.
(13/14) The control switch for selecting the two adjustable outputs independent,
series or parallel.
(15) Master output negative binding post: Negative polarity of output voltage is
connected to negative terminal of load.
(16) Case grounded terminal: The case is connected to the earth.
(17) Master output positive binding post: Positive polarity of output voltage is
connected to positive terminal of load.
(18) Master output constant current state indicator: When master output is in
constant current state, this indicator is on.
(19) Master output constant voltage state indicator: When master output power
is in constant voltage state this indicator is on.
(20) Fixed 5V DC output negative binding post: Negative polarity of output
voltage is connected to negative terminal of load.
(21) Fixed 5V DC output positive binding post: Positive polarity of output voltage
is connected to positive terminal of load.
(22) Master output constant current adjustment: Adjust master output current
value Adjust current limiting protection point.
(23) Master output constant voltage adjustment: Adjust master output voltage