User Manual 11
1.5 The user interface
The signal generator can be divided into three regions: the status panel at the top of the screen,
the menu panel at the right of the screen, the window area at the left of the screen.
1. Channel Configurations
Display the current output configuration in each channel, including output resistance, mode
and type of modulating source or trigger source.
Output Resistance:
High Impedance: display "HighZ"
50Ω: Impedance is 50Ω.
Modulation: display "Mod"
Sweep: display "Sweep"
Burst: display "Burst"
Continuous output
display “Conti”
ON/OFF state:
Channel output ON or OFF
2. Status Bar
The following indicators would be displayed according to the current configuration
When the generator detects a USB storage device, this indicator will light.
When the generator works in USB remote mode, this indicator will light.
3. Current Function
Display the name of the function currently selected. For example, "Sine" indicates that "Sine"
waveform function is currently selected and "Arb" indicates that "Arbitrary Waveform" function
is currently selected.