there are 4 parameters the user set MON, TYP, ADR,
CHx MON (Monitor)
This parameter set to ON or OFF, enables or disables
the monitoring of the gas detector assigned to that
channel. When set to ON the controller will attempt
to collect data, every 5 seconds, from the gas
detector type and at the node address specified in
the corresponding channel parameters. Successful
communication will be indicated with a solid green
LED next to the channel number key. Each time
data is collected the LED will flicker to indicate
communication access. Failed communication will be
indicated by a blinking green LED and yellow system
fault LED. Failed communication can be caused by
a mismatch of either node address, instrument type
or baud rate settings between the controller and
the detector, or an unpowered detector. Setting the
MON parameter to OFF will exclude the gas detector
assigned to that channel from being scanned. If
all channels have monitor parameters set to OFF a
system level fault will be triggered to indicate no
detectors are being monitored.
CHx TYP (Instrument Type)
The instrument type parameter indicates what
instrument model is connected to CHx, this should be
CHx ADR (Node Address)
Each connected detector must have a unique node
address (see detector instruction for how to set the
detector node address). Select the node address
corresponding to the detector assigned to CHx, valid
addresses are 1-247.
CHx LOC (Location)
For each channel a 16 character string may be defined
to describe the name or location of the detector
assigned to that channel. This string will appear in the
CHx detail summary screen as an aid to identify the
location of the associated gas detector.
Data Logging Overview
With an SD card installed, the controller will log
concentration, units of measure, gas name, low
alarm state, high alarm state, detector fault code and
controller fault code, every 10 seconds. Log data
is buffered for 10 minutes before writing to the SD
card, so it is important to use the ‘SD EJECT’ menu
item before removing the SD card, this will write
the contents of the buffer and turn off data logging,
so the card is ready to be removed. Log data is
divided into weekly files using the naming convention
is the week number (1-52) and YYYY is the year. The
file format is comma delimited text which can be
opened directly in Microsoft Excel. Row 1 will contain
a descriptive header for each column. The supplied
32Gb SD card can hold up to 10 years of log data.
The Controller comes with a 32Gb SD card installed,
which can hold up to 10 years worth of log data. A
compatible SD card will have 32GB or less capacity
and be formatted in the FAT32 format.
Data Logging Menu
From the data logging menu the user can safely
eject the SD card, turn logging ON or OFF, view the
percentage of free space remaining on the SD card,
and view any current or historical fault codes.
Select ‘SD EJECT’ just prior to removing the SD card.
This will write any buffered log data to the card and
turn off logging. Logging will automatically resume
when the SD card is re-installed.
Enable or disable data logging by setting ‘LOGGING’
to ON / OFF.
‘% FREE’ shows the percentage of free space
remaining on the installed SD card
Any faults associated with the SD card will display as
a two digit code next to this menu item, and selecting
it will bring up a scrollable list of faults in English.
Selecting a fault item will bring up a suggested
remedy. SD card specific faults include:
- SD CAP READ (40)
‘SD FLT (XX)’ displays a two digit fault history code,
and selecting it will bring up a scrollable list of faults
in English. Selecting a fault item will bring up a
suggested remedy. The code may be cleared from the
diagnostic menu by selecting “CLR LAST SDFAULT”.
Every 5 seconds the Controller collects gas
concentration and status information from each
connected gas detector. Gas concentration appears
on the LCD display and connection status, fault and
alarm conditions are indicated by the LED matrix
for each channel. When an SD card is installed,
concentration and status information is logged every
10 seconds for all connected gas detectors. Detector
data and controller status information can also be
communicated via MODBUS, to a parent or BMS
The real ;me clock should be checked and set amer
installa;on or when the coin cell babery is changed.
Enter or edit the month, day, year, hour and minute
by scrolling the menu.
The Controller can be password protected to prevent
the unauthorized edi;ng of setup parameters. When
password protec;on is enabled, an operator may s;ll
navigate between screens to observe seqngs or
monitor network status. The unit is shipped with
password protec;on OFF. Entering a 3 digit (non-
zero) password enables password protec;on. Amer
protec;on is enabled, the user will be prompted to
enter the password when an abempt is made to edit
a setup parameter. Amer entering the password, a 30
minute ;me period will be allowed for entries, amer
which the user will again be prompted to re-enter
the password. To disable password protec;on,
simply change the password to all zero’s (000).
Selec;ng FACTORY RESET will revert all user seqngs
to their factory out of box defaults. A confirma;on
screen will ask the user to confirm their intent since
user seqngs will be lost and you will need to re-
configure each channel. For this reason record
seqngs in each channel edit screen before
performing a reset.
Pressing a CHx key from the main screen will bring
up a channel summary screen with detailed
informa;on collected from the gas detector assigned
to that channel.
Prior to seqng channel parameters, the installer
should verify and record the instrument type, node
address and baud rate for each connected detector.
All detectors must be set for the same baud rate,
either 9600 (default) or 19200, and must have a
unique node address. The MASTER BAUD seqng in
the MODBUS CONFIG menu must match the seqngs
of the detectors. The channel setup screen may be
accessed either by selec;ng CHANNEL CONFIG from
the main menu or by pressing the channel number
key twice at the main screen. For each detector
channel there are 4 parameters the user set MON,
CHx MON (Monitor)
This parameter set to ON or OFF, enables or disables
the monitoring of the gas detector assigned to that
channel. When set to ON the controller will abempt
to collect data, every 5 seconds, from the gas
detector type and at the node address specified in
the corresponding channel parameters. Successful
communica;on will be indicated with a solid green
LED next to the channel number key. Each ;me data
is collected the LED will flicker to indicate
communica;on access. Failed communica;on will be
indicated by a blinking green LED and yellow system
fault LED. Failed communica;on can be caused by a
mismatch of either node address, instrument type or
baud rate seqngs between the controller and the
detector, or an unpowered detector. Seqng the
MON parameter to OFF will exclude the gas detector
assigned to that channel from being scanned. If all
channels have monitor parameters set to OFF a
system level fault will be triggered to indicate no
detectors are being monitored.
CHx TYP (Instrument Type)
The instrument type parameter indicates what
instrument model is connected to CHx, there are 6
supported instrument types, MGS250, MGS410,
MGS450, MGS460, MGS550S1, MGS550S2. For MGS
550 models the S1 and S2 designa;on specify which
of the two sensors connected, are to be assigned to
CHx ADR (Node Address)
Each connected detector must have a unique node
address (see detector instruc;on for how to set the
detector node address). Select the node address
corresponding to the detector assigned to CHx, valid
addresses are 1-247.
CHx LOC (Loca;on)
For each channel a 16 character string may be
defined to describe the name or loca;on of the
detector assigned to that channel. This string will
appear in the CHx detail summary screen as an aid to
iden;fy the loca;on of the associated gas detector.
Data Logging Overview
With an SD card installed, the MGS408 will log
concentra;on, units of measure, gas name, low
alarm state, high alarm state, detector fault code and
controller fault code, every 10 seconds. Log data is
buffered for 10 minutes before wri;ng to the SD
card, so it is important to use the ‘SD EJECT’ menu
item before removing the SD card, this will write the
contents of the buffer and turn off data logging, so
the card is ready to be removed. Log data is divided
into weekly files using the naming conven;on
is the week number (1-52) and YYYY is the year. The
file format is comma delimited text which can be
opened directly in Microsom Excel. Row 1 will contain
a descrip;ve header for each column. The supplied
32Gb SD card can hold up to 10 years of log data.
The Controller comes with a 32Gb SD card installed,
which can hold up to 10 years worth of log data. A
compa;ble SD card will have 32GB or less capacity
and be formabed in the FAT32 format.
Data Logging Menu
From the data logging menu the user can safely eject
the SD card, turn logging ON or OFF, view the
percentage of free space remaining on the SD card,
and view any current or historical fault codes.
Select ‘SD EJECT’ just prior to removing the SD card.
This will write any buffered log data to the card and
turn off logging. Logging will automa;cally resume
when the SD card is re-installed.
Enable or disable data logging by seqng ‘LOGGING’
to ON / OFF.
‘% FREE’ shows the percentage of free space
remaining on the installed SD card
Any faults associated with the SD card will display as
a two digit code next to this menu item, and
selec;ng it will bring up a scrollable list of faults in
English. Selec;ng a fault item will bring up a
suggested remedy. SD card specific faults include:
- SD CAP READ (40)
‘SD FLT (XX)’ displays a two digit fault history code,
and selec;ng it will bring up a scrollable list of faults
in English. Selec;ng a fault item will bring up a
suggested remedy. The code may be cleared from
the diagnos;c menu by selec;ng “CLR LAST
Every 5 seconds the MGS-408 Gas Detec;on
Controller collects gas concentra;on and status
informa;on from each connected gas detector. Gas
concentra;on appears on the LCD display and
connec;on status, fault and alarm condi;ons are
indicated by the LED matrix for each channel. When
an SD card is installed, concentra;on and status
informa;on is logged every 10 seconds for all
connected gas detectors. Detector data and
controller status informa;on can also be