Turbidity bench meter has a built in complete GLP information. The calibration date and
the calibration points are displayed in a comprehensive mode for each range.
To display the GLP information, simply press CAL key. A screen with instrument serial number and with
information about the calibration is displayed. For further information, press the “GLP” functional key.
The GLP contains:
• Instrument serial number
• The last user calibration date, in selected for‑
mat and time in hh.mm format. If no calibration
was performed, the “Not calibrated” message
is displayed and the meter uses only the factory
• Parameter as NTU Ratio Turbidity, NTU Non Ratio
Turbidity, FAU Turbidity or FNU Turbidity.
• The value of each calibration point (up to 5
points for NTU ratio mode; 4 points for FNU, FAU
and NTU non‑ratio modes). If the first calibration
point was skipped, the 0.00 value is displayed.
To restore the factory calibration for the currently
selected range, press CAL key when in the main
screen. The first screen for the GLP is displayed. Press
“Delete” functional key to initiate the calibration
delete procedure and then press “CFM” functional
key to delete the user calibration and restore the
Factory calibration.
Note: Only the user calibration for the current selected
range is deleted.