Turbidity bench meter is supplied with all necessary accessories.
Unpack the instrument and place it on a flat surface. Do not place the instrument in direct sunlight.
Insert the 12 Vdc power plug into its input on the back of the instrument.
Switch on the instrument. On the LCD, the Hanna Instruments Logo will appear for a short time,
followed by the main screen for turbidity measurements.
The instrument loads the selected language. If no language can be loaded the instrument will work
in the “safe mode”. In “safe mode” all the messages are displayed in English and tutorial and help
information are not available.
In order to degas a sample, fill a clean cuvette with sample and immerse it (1/2 to 2/3 immersed)
in an ultrasonic bath. Follow the degassing procedure described above. Only after the degassing
procedure is finished the cuvette can be capped.
This procedure can be very effective however it should be handled with care because it can alter the
turbidity of the sample. When heating a sample, the volatile components from the sample can vaporize,
the suspended components can dissolve or the sample characteristics can change.
The heating procedure should be used with extreme care.
Use a warm water bath and immerse the cuvette filled with sample into the bath. Heat the sample
only until the visible bubbles are removed.
: Always cool the heated sample to the original temperature before measurement.
The heating procedure can be used in combination with vacuum or ultrasonic waves application for
a more effective air bubble removal.