• Press READ DIRECT. "SIP" will blink during measurement.
• The instrument directly displays concentration in µg/L of manga-
nese on the display.
a temperature above 30°C may cause turbidity. In this
case, before zeroing and taking readings, add 2-3 drops of
Dispersing Agent (HI 93703-51) to each cuvet and swirl until
complete dissolution of the turbidity
Interference may be caused by:
Aluminum above 20 mg/L
Cadmium above 10 mg/L
Calcium above 200 mg/L as CaCO
Cobalt above 20 mg/L
Copper above 50 mg/L
Iron above 10 mg/L
Lead above 0.5 mg/L
Magnesium above 100 mg/L as CaCO
Nickel above 40 mg/L
Zinc above 15 mg/L.
Manganese LR