Hardness Mg
• Add 0.5 mL of HI 93719B Alkali solution
and swirl to mix. Use this solution to rinse
2 cuvets.
• Fill both cuvets up to the
10 mL mark.
• Add 1 drop of HI 93719C EDTA
solution to one cuvet (# 1), re-
place the cap and invert the
cuvet several times to mix. This is
the blank.
• Add 1 drop of HI 93719D EGTA solution to the
second cuvet (# 2), replace the cap and invert
the cuvet several times to mix. This is the
• Place the blank (# 1) into the holder
and ensure that the notch on the cap
is positioned securely into the groove.
• Press ZERO and "SIP" will blink on the display.
• Wait for a few seconds and the display
will show "-0.0-". Now the meter is ze-
roed and ready for measurement.
10 mL
10 mL
# 1
# 1
# 1
# 2
# 2