• Add exactly 1.0 mL of HI 93737B
reagent to the other beaker (the
sample) and swirl gently to mix.
• Press TIMER and the display will show the countdown prior to
adding reagent C or, alternatively, wait for 2 minutes. Then, in
both cases, add exactly 1.0 mL of HI 93737C reagent to each
beaker and swirl.
• Press TIMER or, al-
ternatively, wait
for 2 minutes.
Then, in both
cases, add 1.0 mL
of HI 93737D re-
agent to each
beaker and swirl.
• Then press TIMER or, alternatively,
wait for 2 minutes to allow reaction
to complete.
• Fill one cuvet up to the mark with 10
mL of the blank.
• Place the cuvet into the holder and
ensure that the notch on the cap is
positioned securely into the groove.
# 2
# 2
# 1
# 2
10 mL
# 1
# 1
# 1