Twin Otter ARF Assembly Manual
Step 12
Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to thread a #2 x 3/8-inch
woodscrew into each of the mounting holes in the
stabilizer. Remove the screw and apply a small drop
of thin CA to each hole to harden the wood and help
retain the screw. Allow the CA to cure without using
Step 13
Feed the elevator servo lead through the forward
holes in the ribs to the stabilizer root and set the hatch
in place.
Step 14
Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to secure the hatch to
the stabilizer with four #2 x 3/8-inch woodscrews.
Step 15
Slide a silicone keeper onto a 4-inch steel elevator
pushrod then thread on a clevis so it is centered on
the threads.
Step 16
Center the elevator by aligning the balance tab to the
stabilizer. Secure it in place with low-tack tape on both
the top and bottom sides.
Step 17
Attach the clevis to the outer hole of the elevator horn.
Use your radio to center the elevator servo then use a
felt-tipped pen to mark the pushrod at the servo arm.