Twin Otter ARF Assembly Manual
Step 10
Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver and the hardware
provided with the servo to install it on the hatch.
Step 11
Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to thread a #2 x 3/8-inch
woodscrew into each of the hatch mounting holes in
the wing. Remove the screw then apply a drop of thin
CA in each hole to strengthen the wood.
Step 12
Slide a silicone keeper onto a 4-inch steel pushrod
then thread on a clevis so it is centered on the
threads. Measure 2 inches from the clevis pin and use
pliers to make a 90-degree bend at that location. Trim
the bent portion of the pushrod to a length of 1/4 inch.
Step 13
Deflect the flap and insert the pushrod through the
hole in the wing trailing edge with the bend towards
the wing root (left-hand side). Attach the clevis to the
flap horn and secure it with the silicone keeper.
Step 14
Feed the servo lead to the wing root. Insert the bent
end of the pushrod into the servo arm and secure it
with a snap keeper.
Step 15
Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to install the hatch on
the wing with four #2 x 3/8-inch woodscrews.