Step 25.
Note where the throttle control rod is in relation to the
throttle servo arm in the fuselage. Make sure the carburetor is
1/2 open and that the servo is at its electrical center position.
Mark where the rod passes over the servo arm with a felt tipped
pen or pencil. You will then make a Z-bend in the rod at the point
you marked. Remove the servo arm and trial fit rod. You may find
some trimming necessary to make sure rod will fit the servo arm.
Step 26.
Attach the Z-bend to the servo arm in the second hole
from the end of the arm. Minor adjustments to the carburetor
opening can be made by screwing the clevis in or out, or posi-
tioning the Z-bend closer or further out on the servo arm. Begin
your adjustments with the throttle set at the 1/2 open position
when the arm of the servo and the rod are 90 degrees to each
other and the servo is electrically centered.
Step 27.
Double check the alignment of the elevator, rudder and
throttle linkages. Don’t forget the ailerons. Adjustments can be
made at two points for each linkage—at the servo arm and at the
control horn. Sometimes it only takes one adjustment, other times
it requires both adjustments. Once you have made all of your
mechanical adjustments, you can then proceed to make any elec-
trical adjustments through your transmitter, if applicable. Check
each clevis to make sure there is a 5–7mm section of fuel tubing
over each clevis to prevent accidental opening. Also, check to
make sure the linkage movement is free for each control. There
should not be binding of any of the control surfaces or linkages.
Special Note for installing the throttle servo used on
the Zenoah Z-23 engine.
Step 27A.
The installation of the throttle linkage for the Zenoah
G-23 engine is unique, due to the physical location of the
Walboro carburetor and the throttle linkage set-up for the
Zenoah engine. Locate the throttle linkage kit provided with the
engine. You will also need the throttle linkage music wire pro-
vided in the kit and a ball link (2mm, not provided). The method
of connecting the servo linkage to the carburetor is up to the
builder, however we will describe one method using ball links.
Cut the music wire throttle linkage to a 4
" length measured
from the threaded end. Attach the ball link to the threaded end
approximately 15 turns.
Step 28.
You will also need to prepare the throttle servo. Mount
the rubber grommets and eyelets as per the instructions provid-
ed with your radio system. We suggest you also trim off any
servo extra servo arms leaving just one. Mount an EZ-connector
to the outermost hole of the servo arm.
Section 15: Installing the Control Linkages