Step 7
Place the aileron servo between the mounting blocks and
use a felt-tipped pen to mark the location of the four servo
mounting screws. Note that the servo must not touch the
hatch in order to isolate engine vibration.
: Before mounting the flap servo, make
sure the servo arm is installed correctly on
the servo. This is done by moving the servo
from each end point to determine the center
position of the servo. With the radio off,
secure the servo arm in the center position.
Check the operation of the servo to determine
if the two end positions of the arm are equal.
If not, reposition the arm as necessary.
Step 8
Remove the servo and use a 1/16 in (1.5mm) drill bit to
pre-drill the holes for the servo mounting screws marked
in the previous step. Use the screws supplied with the
servo to mount it to the servo mounting blocks.
Step 9
Pass the servo lead through the flap opening and out of
the end of the wing. Secure the hatch using four #2 x 3/8"
sheet metal screws.
Step 10
Install the flap linkage and check the operation of the flap
using the radio system. You may need to adjust the length
of the linkage when the flap is in the “up” position to make
sure it is fully centered.
Step 11
Repeat Steps 1 though 10 for the remaining flap servo.
Section 14: Adding Flap Servos