Step 3
Remove the flap linkage stay from the wing. Be careful
when removing the stay that you don't damage the wing.
You can either use a rotary tool or razor saw to cut the tab
flush with the wing.
Step 4
Select the correct servo hatch by checking the alignment
for the servo arm on the plate with the one on the wing.
Step 5
Install the recommended servo hardware (grommets and
eyelets) supplied with the servo. Temporarily install a long
half servo arm (JRPA212) onto the servo and position
the servo onto the hatch so the servo arm is centered in
the notch. Once satisfied, mark the location for the servo
mounting blocks using a felt-tipped pen.
: Check to make sure your servo does
not hang off one end of the servo hatch.
If so, reposition the servo. Having the
servo fully on the hatch is more important
than having the servo arm centered.
Step 6
Locate two 3/8 in x 3/4 in x 3/4 in (9.5mm x 19mm x
19mm) servo mounting blocks. Use 6-minute epoxy to
glue the blocks to the hatch. Let the epoxy fully cure
before proceeding to the next step.
Section 14: Adding Flap Servos