9. Changing spare parts RiseAtlas
9.1 Test and/or replace hand control, spare part no: 81000004 or 81000005
The test and/or replacement of hand control can be performed without opening the RiseAtlas cover.
Unplug the hand control from the lift unit by pulling and wiggling the connection plug by hand.
- Check that the entire hand control cable is free from damage and that connection grommets are intact.
- Check that no pins are broken or bent in the connection plug.
- Make a functional test of the hand control using:
Another RiseAtlas lift unit or;
Test box according to pictures.
A bad hand control should be replaced and spare part number is 81000031 for the 4-button and 81000032 for the
Attach the new hand control by pressing it firmly into the lift unit and ensure that the connector reach the bottom.
A functional test, see chapter 2.3.2 shall be performed of RiseAtlas to ensure proper function and notes of change
should be presented in the lift unit log.
The bad hand control is recycled through nearest recycling station.
9.2 Test and/or replace Battery,
spare part no: 81000001
Before testing and/or replacing batteries, ensure that proper charging has been made according to manual. Correct
charging should be indicated with LED on both display and charger unit when charger is attached and in end of point
charging. Important is that emergency stop is out (not activated) and that charging procedure has been made for at
least 30 minutes. RiseAtlas shall be fully functional after charging and a green LED indication shall appear on the display.
If RiseAtlas after charging is indicating low voltage, an audible alarm sound together with orange LED indication on the
display, the batteries of RiseAtlas should be tested and/or replaced. If RiseAtlas is in mode for in-rail-charging the display
will signal flashing orange and please check charge connection to rail.
In order to test and/or replace batteries there is a need to open the RiseAtlas cover, see chapter 3 Access inside
Handling of battery and other electronics shall be performed with caution and the use of ESD protection.
S E R V I C E M A N U A L System