- User Guide (636155)
Rev: 04 Nov 2019
Page: 24
Cleaning and Disinfection
The exterior of the lift should only be cleaned, disinfected using isopropyl alcohol. Damp a cloth with isopro-
pyl alcohol and wipe down entire exterior of lift and hook. No other chemicals and/or liquids should be used
to clean, disinfect and sterilize this lift.
Caution: Take great care to ensure that no liquids get inside
the lift. This lift is not drip proof or water tight. Failure to
protect the lift from liquids may result in damage to the lift and/
or may cause personal injury.
The lift strap may be disinfected using Virox Accel TB RTU (Ready-to-use) available from:
Virox Technologies Inc.
Details of Parts expected to come in contact with patients during Normal use
The following parts and accessories of C-1000 that are intended to contact the patient in normal use.
Sling (s).
In rare instances contact of these parts are also possible (not deemed as applied parts)
Carry Bar.
Hand Control.