- User Guide (636155)
Rev: 04 Nov 2019
Page: 14
Basics in transferring an individual … continued
Caution: Prior to lifting an individual make sure that the straps of the sling are securely
placed on the hooks of the carry bar and that the straps will not come off.
Step 4)
Attach the str aps of the sling to the hooks of the car r y bar . The str aps on each side of the sling
are generally attached to the corresponding side of the carry bar. Be sure to double check to ensure that the
straps are properly attached to the carry bar, and that the individual being lifted is properly positioned in the
sling prior to lifting.
Caution: There is a risk for the strap to disengage from the hook, if a sling loop is allowed to
rotate and rest on the top of the hook(s). Please check to ensure that the loops are on the hook
not resting in the hook. Failure to adhere to these instructions could result in serious injury or
For your safety and the safety of the patient, please always ensure that the sling loops are correctly
positioned on the carry bar hooks. It is suggested to do the check of the sling loops once there is
tension to the sling loops, but prior to completely lifting the patient.
Caution: Prior to lifting an individual ensure the hand control cord is free of the carry bar
Sling loop correctly positioned
at the base of the carry bar
During the preparation for
the patient transfer, the ten-
sion is reduced.
Sling loop flipped over and
incorrectly resting on the
Sling loop separated from
the carry bar hook.
Load applied. The sling loop
begins to slide off the hook.