Empowering Energy Clean And Affordable
• Inverter Priority Output 01 SbU
The PV will supply power to the loads on a priority basis. If the PV is insufficient or unavailable, the battery
will be used as a supplement to supply power to the load. When the battery voltage touches the value of
parameter [04] (Voltage point of battery switch to utility), it will switch to utility power supply to the load
(without BMS connected) / When the BMS is connected and the Li-ion battery SOC touches the value of
parameter [61] (Switching to utility SOC setting), it will switch to utility power supply to the load. This
mode maximises the use of DC energy, and it is suitable for the areas where the power grid is stable.
(Priority: PV > Battery > Utility)
5.4 Battery charging mode
The charging mode corresponds to parameter [06], which allows the user to set the charging mode
• Hybrid Charging SNU (default)
PV and mains power charge the battery at the same time, with PV taking priority and mains power acting
as a supplement when PV is insufficient. This is the fastest charging method and is suitable for areas with
insufficient power supply, providing sufficient backup power for users. (Priority: PV > Utility)
Utility Priority Charging CUb
Utility power is prioritised to charge the battery, switching to PV charging only when utility power is unavailable
(Priority: Utility > PV)
Utility Outage
Utility Valid