Racing-Style Seat Belt (if
equipped)............................... 25
Refueling ................................. 19
Registration.............................. 92
Removal from Storage................ 79
Rider Height ............................. 13
Safe Operation Practices ............ 33
Safe Riding Gear....................... 10
Safety Labels and Locations ........ 20
Safety Symbols ...........................5
Safety Warnings........................ 12
Seat Belt Inspection ................... 25
Seat Belts ........................... 13, 24
Severe Use Definition................. 45
Shock Spring Adjustment ............ 67
Signal Words ..............................5
Spark Plug Gap / Torque ............. 57
Spark Plug Removal and
Replacement .......................... 58
Stabilize the Fuel....................... 78
Stalling While Climbing a Hill........ 16
Starting the Engine .................... 34
Steering Wheel ......................... 24
Steering Wheel Inspection........... 65
Stop Engine Button (Non-LE
Models) ................................. 27
Stopping the Engine................... 34
Storage Area / Covers ................ 79
Storage Tips............................. 78
Tail Light Lamp Replacement ....... 70
Throttle Freeplay ....................... 62
Throttle Freeplay Adjustment ....... 63
Throttle Freeplay Inspection......... 62
Throttle Pedal ........................... 28
Throttle System......................... 62
Tire Tread Depth ....................... 67
Tires ....................................... 67
Toe Alignment........................... 66
Transmission (Main Gearcase) ..... 53
Transporting the Vehicle.............. 80
Turning Improperly..................... 15
U.S.A. EPA Emissions Limited
Warranty ................................ 96
Unauthorized Use of the Vehicle ... 19
Valve Adjustment Procedure ........ 58
Vehicle Break-in Period............... 31
Vehicle Identification Numbers .......7
Vehicle Immersion ..................... 70
Warning Symbols ........................5
Washing the Vehicle................... 76
Wet Fouled Spark Plug ............... 57
Wheel Nut Torque Specifications... 68
Wheel Replacement................... 69