Gear Selector ........................... 27
Gloves .................................... 11
GTS150 Specifications .......... 81, 83
Hammerhead Warning..................6
Headlamp Replacement.............. 70
Helmet .................................... 11
Horn ....................................... 27
Hot Exhaust Systems ................. 19
How To Obtain Warranty Service... 94
Ignition Switch (LE-Models Only) .. 25
Ignition Switch (Non-LE Models) ... 26
Improper Hill Climbing ................ 16
Improper Tires and Maintenance... 18
Inspect and Lubricate ................. 78
Intake Valve Clearance
Adjustment ............................. 58
Jumps and Stunts...................... 15
Light Switch.............................. 26
Limitations Of Warranties And
Remedies............................... 92
Limited Warranty ....................... 91
Lubricants and Fluids ................. 93
Lubrication Recommendations ..... 49
Maintenance Chart Key .............. 46
Maintenance Log..................... 101
Mechanical Speed Control
System .................................. 29
New Operator Driving
Procedures............................. 35
Noise Emission Control System .... 43
Normal Plug ............................. 57
Notice ..................................... 95
Off-Road Warranty Registration
Form ..................................... 99
Oil Change............................... 51
Oil Check................................. 50
Oil Recommendations ................ 50
Operating at Excessive Speeds .... 15
Operating Improperly in Reverse... 17
Operating in Unfamiliar Terrain ..... 16
Operating on Frozen Bodies of
Water .................................... 18
Operating on Pavement .............. 14
Operating on Public Roads .......... 14
Operating on Sand or Slippery
Terrain ................................... 17
Operating Over Obstacles ........... 17
Operating Through Water............ 18
Operating Without Instruction ....... 12
Overloading the Vehicle .............. 17
Parking Brake ........................... 28
Parking Brake Adjustment ........... 55
Parking Brake Cable Freeplay
Adjustment ............................. 56
Parking on an Incline.................. 40
Parking the Vehicle .................... 35
Periodic Maintenance Chart......... 45
Physical Control of the Vehicle ..... 15
Polishing the Vehicle .................. 77
Pre-Ride Inspection ................... 32
Protective Apparel ..................... 14