Measuring Equipment
be tested by connecting a simple, passive component (e.g.
1kOhm resistance) to the instrument. In the BIN menu, set
a generous pass/fail criterion and measure the voltage of
PIN 25 (BIN2 on the circuit, BIN1 in the instrument) for the
25-pole plug to PIN 1 (GND). In case of „Pass“, the voltage
should be 0V, in the case of „Fail“, it should correspond to
the external voltage which must be applied to PIN 9.
For detailed information on the binning interface in the
context of the PIN and jumper assignment, refer to the
HO118 manual at www.hameg.com.
8.5.2 HO118 Description
The Store/Recall feature enables you to determine a ma-
ximum of 9 binning configurations. Binning configura
tions can also be operated via remote control interface.
The bridge HM8118 can sort components in up to 8 sepa-
rate bins: six pass sorting bins, one secondary parameter
sorting bin and one general sorting bin for errors. At any
given time, only one sorting bin (BIN) is activated.
Output signal:
Negative TRUE, open collector, opto-isolated, selectable
Measurement types:
Since the HM8118 is used for classification, the number of
BIN Type
Pass BIN
This sorting bin is used if the measured value is
within the user-defined bin limit. If the measured
value is within this limit, it will be assigned to bin 0
(BIN 0). Outside the limit that is defined for bin 0,
the assignment within the limit for bin 1 (BIN 1) is
performed. This process is repeated until the limit
for bin 5 (BIN 5) is exceeded. If the measured value
exceeds the defined range limits for bins 1 to 5, it
will be assigned to the General-Failure bin.
Failure BIN
This sorting bin is used if the primary value is
within the range for the sorting bins 0 ... 5 and
only the secondary parameters exceed the limit for
sorting bin 6.
General Fai-
lure BIN
This sorting bin output is activated if the sorting
does not apply to one of the first 7 bins.
measurement types is limited to the modes needed for the
characterization of components.
R-Q: Resistance value and quality
C-D: Capacitance value and loss angle
L-Q: Inductance and quality
Sorting bins (BINs):
Pass bin: Bin 0...5 for primary parameters
Fail bin: Bin 6 for secondary parameters, bin 7 for general
errors (General Failure BIN).
Maximum current for an output voltage of 1 V is 15 mA.
Analog measurement completed.
Measurement completed:
Complete measurement completed.
Notification about a known bug.
External trigger:
Opto-isolated, selectable pull-up, pulse width >10µs.
8.5.3 Sorting Bin Preferences (BINs)
The HM8118 must be in manual mode. Select the respec-
tive function of the parameter to be sorted. As mentioned
in the section „Measurement Types“, all functions can be
used. To be able to enter binning parameters, press the
MENU key and select the option BIN. A binning interfact
must be integrated to be able to access the binning menu.
BIN Number:
Low limit:
High limit:
Binning ON/OFF:
ON: Binning function activated
OFF: Binning function deactivated
BIN Number:
Selecting the BIN number
Bins 0 to 5 correspond to the primary pass bins
Bin 6 corresponds to the secondary parameter failure bin
Bin 7 (General Failure BIN 7) does not have a menu entry.
OPEN: The respective BIN is activated.
CLOSED: The respective BIN is deactivated.
❙ At least the first bin must be activated.
Nominal value of the classification:
Enter the nominal value with the number keys and
confirm with the Enter key.
The new value and the associated units will be displayed.
A nominal value for bin 6 is not applicable.
Fig. 8.16: HO118 internal circuitry