Normal versus Remote Buck-In
There are two proce-
dures for bucking in
the laser, the close and
the remote buck-in.
The procedure used
depends on the rela-
tionship of two
distances: the distance
between the laser unit
and the first target,
and the distance be-
tween the first and
second targets. The
normal buck-in is
easier; the remote
buck-in is useful in
situations where the
normal method would
be nearly impossible.
Figure 14 illustrates
the general rule for
determining the buck-
in method to use. L1
represents the distance
from the laser to the
first target. L2 repre-
sents the distance be-
tween the two targets.
If L1 is less than one
tenth of L2, the normal
buck-in procedure is used. If L1 is greater than one tenth of L2, the remote buck-in procedure should be
used. When in doubt, or if the close procedure is not producing good results, use the remote procedure.
Normal Buck-In
The normal buck-in procedure can be remembered by the rule, “Zero Near, Point Far.” Buck in the laser
beam by zeroing it on the
target, and then "point" the laser beam using the appropriate adjustment
knobs to
on the far target. The two steps are repeated until both targets show zero readings.
Figure 14 –
Close vs. Remote Buck-in