Instruction Manual PSx3xxPN-STO
Bit 3
Enable manual movement in jog mode:
In jog mode (movement by keys if bit 5 is set; or with bit 8 or 9 set in the
control word if bits 4 and 5 are not set), manual movement is only activated if
bit is set, when the key is pressed for a long time (or a jog movement bit is
activated for a long time). If the bit is cleared, only single steps are possible in
jog mode.
Bit 4
Run commands will only be executed if this bit is set.
This bit must be set for positioning runs and manual runs.
If this bit is cleared during a run, the run will be aborted and status bit 5 will be
set (“positioning run aborted”).
Bit 5
Enable jog mode with keys:
If the bus connection is active, jog mode via keys is only possible if this bit is
set and bit 4 is not set. For jog operation via bus (bits 8 or 9 in the control
word), this bit must not be set.
Bit 6
Driving without a loop
If this bit is set, all destinations are approached directly during positioning
movements (regardless of the current value of par. 45) without any loop.
Bit 7
Execute switch-on loop
5/8 turns against loop direction and then 5/8 in loop direction with manual
speed (for default value of loop length par. 45). The control word is ignored
during a switch-on loop movement until it changes. Thus a switch-on loop can
be aborted with control word = 0.
Bit 8
Jog to larger values:
Corresponds functionally to a pressed key forward (bit 3 in status). Bits 4 must
be set in this operating mode!
Bit 9
Jog to smaller values:
Functionally corresponds to a pressed key backwards (bit 2 in status). Bits 4
must be set in this operating mode!
Bit 14:
Acknowledgement bit
Is cleared (low):
- Bit 4 and 13 of the status register are latches to 0 in the case of a failure,
and if the positioning system is moving or a run command is transmitted (if
the system is not moving, and no running command is transmitted Bit 4 and
13 of the status register shows the actual state)
Is set (high):
- Bit 4 and 13 of the status register shows the actual state
Rising edge (low
- Bit 5, 10, 11 and 12 of the status register are cleared.
Bits 10-13, 15
: reserved, must be programmed to 0