Instruction Manual PSx3xxPN-STO
Bit 7
temperature exceeded
This bit is set:
- if the internal device temperature device exceeds the limit value (Par. 91)
This bit is reset:
- if the internal device temperature falls below the limit value by 5°C
Bit 8
movement opposite loop direction
This bit is set:
- after power-up or a reset (a lash in a driven spindle which might be present is
not yet eliminated)
- when commanding a positioning run or a manual run in opposite of the loop
- when commanding a positioning run or a manual run, when no loop is
configured (Par. 45 is zero)
This bit is reset:
- when a transferred target position has been reached successfully in the loop
direction (not after a manual run)
Bit 9
This bit is set:
- if an internal problem is detected when calculating a position
- STO hardware failure (STO-input is invalid =low / missing test pulses) and a
motor current flow.
No run commands can be executed when the error bit is set!
This bit is reset:
- only possible by resetting or power-cycle the drive
Bit 10
: positioning error (block)
This bit is set:
- if a positioning run or a manual run is aborted because the device is
overloaded (block, extreme difficulty while running)
If bit 0 (target position reached) is set simultaneously with bit 10, bit 0
has priority.!
This bit is reset:
- with each new run command
Bit 11
: manual displacement
This bit is set:
- if, while on standstill, the drive is turned externally by more than the value in
the positioning window after a positioning run has been finished correctly
This bit is reset:
- with each new run command
Bit 12
: incorrect target value
This bit is set:
- when a transferred target value lies outside of the limit switches; also
caused, for instance, because of the actual value of the reference value (Par.
- when a transferred target value lies inside of the limit switches; but because
of a necessary loop run the specified interval would be left
This bit is reset:
- with each new run command