Instruction Manual PSE2xxC
upper mapping end, the upper and lower limit, the positioning window (SDO
#2006) and the length of loop (SDO #201F) are re-calculated.
6) When changing the referencing value (SDO #2004), the target value, the actual
value, the upper mapping end and the upper and lower limit are re-calculated.
7) If the user wants to go over any automatic re-calculation of values when setting up
the device, the optimum order of transfering the parameter is the following:
a) direction of rotation (SDO #202C),
actual value assessment, numerator (SDO #2010),
actual value assessment, denominator (SDO #2011)
b) referencing value (SDO #2004)
c) upper mapping end (SDO #2028)
d) upper limit (SDO #2016),
lower limit (SDO #2017),
positioning window (SDO #2006),
length of loop (SDO #201F)
8) In order to save the settings permanently in the EEPROM, write 1 to SDO #204F.
As soon as reading of SDO #204F shows 0, the saving is finished.
Referencing value (SDO #2004):
The referencing process affects all transferred values, i.e., the target value, actual
value, upper mapping end and upper and lower limit.
There are two ways of setting the referencing value:
1) Directly, by writing the referencing value to SDO #2004.
2) Indirectly, by writing an actual value to SDO #2003. This makes it possible to
assign any “true” actual value to the current, physical actual value. The resulting
difference is then the referencing value. This value will immediately be included in
calculations for each transferred value and can also be read via SDO #2004.
When changing the referencing value, automatically the target value, the actual value,
the upper mapping end and the upper and lower limit are re-calculated.
The removal of the
power supply has no affect on the internal
measuring system (applys for signleturn and multiturn variants).
e) Using actual value assessment factors to set the spindle pitch
SDO #2010 (numerator factor) and #2011 (denominator factor) can be used to modify
the device’s spindle resolutions to any desired numerical value.
Both factors are set to a value of 400 by default, resulting in a resolution of 0.01 mm
at a spindle pitch of 4 mm.
Spindle pitch and resolution can be set via the denominator factor.
The numerator factor is mainly used to set odd-numbered resolutions.
Spindle pitch
4 mm
1/100 mm
1 mm
1/100 mm
2 mm
1/10 mm
The numerator and denominator factors may be set to values between 1 and 10000.