Halex Q-20 Electronic Dartboard _ 14
15 16 D 17 18 T 19 20 B TOTAL
Player 1
Player 2
Forty One
This game follows similar rules as standard Double Down as described above with two
exceptions. First, instead of going from 15 through 20 and bullseye, the sequence is
reversed which will be indicated on the LED display. Second, an additional round is
included toward the end in which players must attempt to score three hits that add up to 41
points (20, 20, 1; 19, 19, 3; D10, D10, 1: etc.). This “41” round adds an extra level of
difficulty to the game. Remember, a player’s score is cut in half if not successful, so the
“41” round presents quite a challenge!
20 19 D 18 17 T 16 15 41 B TOTAL
Player 1
Player 2
All Fives
The entire board is in-play for this game (all segments are active). With each round (of 3
darts) each player has to score a total which is divisible by 5. Every “five” counts as one
point. For example 10, 10, 5 = 25. Since 25 is divisible by 5 fives, this player scores 5
points (5 x 5 = 25).
If a player throws 3 darts that are not divisible by 5, no points are given. Also, the last dart
of each round must land in a segment. If a player throws the third dart and it lands in the
catch ring area (or misses the board completely), he earns no points even if the first two
darts are divisible by 5. This prevents a player from “tanking” the third throw if his first two
are good. The first player to total fifty-one (51) “fives” is the winner. The LED screen will
keep track of the point totals.
Adjustable Difficulty Settings
for All Fives include 51, 61, 71, 81, and 91. Each option
is played exactly as outlined above with the exception of the number of points (or fives) it
takes to win the game.
Any Double
Any Triple
Any Double
Any Triple
“41” Round